Monday, December 15, 2008

CherryPal News

Things move fast in the computer world and start ups probably move as fast or faster than anythign else. I am joining the CherryPal team to see if I can get support running smoother and make information more available to everyone who needs it. I am exceited that this is the direction of computing in the future. My son wants to know what purpose there is in a computer like this. I have photos today. The 1st is the complete setup with computer, mouse, keyboard, the USB hub on top of the computer and the monitor. That is the whole works at the moment. There are also photos of the front and back of the computer. It is not vaporware and it does actually work. Mine has been running since it arrived on December 5th. That means 10 straight days and it has only been shut down to change periphials. For most people this is more than enough computer for everyday use and for me it is now the one computer in the house that is always on.

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