A late Merry Christmas to everyone who reads my blog. I have to admit that the blog has not been the top of my list the past few days.
I am still testing my CherryPal switching software around and trying to see if I can find a combination of software that makes it run faster. It has been stable no matter what I have done to it so far. The biggest hangup for the company so far has been in getting enough product for the number of orders. I am enjoying volunteering my time to take support calls and help other users. I am relearning Linux while I am at it.
The only down side it that it has distracted from my drawing. I am still working at it. One of the challenges on Carol's Drawing Club is to draw our favorite childhood toy. Mine was my teddy bear and I still have it. It thought drawing a teddy bear would be easy, but it is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought. It may be because the old bear still means a lot to me. Also he is really greeting threadbare in laces and that makes the drawing sort of the same as drawing and elderly person with a lot of character in their face. The picture at the top is of the drawing as it is right now.